Friday 29 April 2011


I had never heard of Lokrum.
It turns out to be  a gem of an island just SW of Dubrovnik and accessible by ferry. It is now a nature reserve and nobody is permitted to stay overnight.
It is quite beautiful and serene and very worth a day's visit.
The ferry sets off from the small jetty in Dubrovnik. Today the crowds are brought out by the sunshine.

Or is it the cruise liner in the harbour entrance?

Leaving the old city by sea

Lokrum is quite beautiful and well protected

They call this the dead sea, but it is an inland lagoon connected to the sea by and underground cave.

The main harbour...

Yes the water is as clear as Bombay Sapphire gin!

Here the shadows are gathering at 6.00pm just as the last ferry leaves for Dubrovnik

And the view as we leave the island to the vast flock of peacocks.
End of Dubrovnik. Moving north tomorrow.
End of post. Don't know when I will get online again....


Lucy said...

lovely looking, bombay gin eh!

Sarah Peat said...

At last been able to leave a comment, looks like your having a great time, there has been some great scenery & the weather seems to be good for you as well. Sal xx

Unknown said...

Looking good, hope the sun shines for you!