Tuesday 19 April 2011

Rhine Gorge

The Rhine is an altogether different river than it tributary the Mosel. The Rhinegorge is famous for its fast flowing and treacherous water, quite visible from the riverbank.

Again road works makes time for a quick shot out of the side window

Eternity doing a few handbrake turns through the narrow bit

For the east(right) bank it is impossible to get a good shot of the Lorelei rocks. This will have to do.
The Lorelei legend forms part of German folklore, a tale of false inticement and trickery.

The most famous of all the Rhine Gorge Castles, Pfalzgrafstein‑Castle sits on an island in the river where they used to sling chains as barriers to extract tolls from passing ships. Pay up or else!
Assmannshousen is a pretty little village famous for its red wines.

Another house in Assmannshousen. We bought some wine glasses here 25 years ago and 1 was recently broken. I wanted to replace it and make the set back up to 6 but on this day, Monday, they were closed.

The chairlift takes you to the top of the gorge where there is a fine view.

I first came to this restaurant in 1976. It has been in the same family since the 1930's. Whenever I am in the region I stop here for lunch, in the way we used to do years ago when industry was different.
End of post

1 comment:

Lucy said...

cahirlift and not a drop of snow, did you have to come down on it too?
Some very pretty buildings.